Hello All. The prompt for today was to write a poem extolling the virtues of something, or someone, while actually exposing your doubts. I wrote about that ever popular pearl of advice – study hard and become rich and famous.
Get Rich and Famous Grow up young thing, fly into the world. Study hard for success will follow the money to find Fame. Fame Celebrity Notoriety Infamy The path is well worn, following the rainbow end. Grow up young thing, trek into the world. Study what you love, work will follow the passion to build Reputation. Reputation Integrity Honesty Trust The path is long, with many intriguing byways. Grow up young thing, roam into the world. Study the smiles around you, goodwill will follow the generosity of Kindness Kindness Respect Empathy Peace The path is winding, and best traveled together. Grow up young thing, Set off into the world. Hand in hand in hand.